Health in Jacksonville | Micro-Markets | Healthy Vending | Employee Benefit

5 Tips to Help Jacksonville Employees Maintain Their New Year’s Health Resolutions All Year Long

Health in Jacksonville | Micro-Markets | Healthy Vending | Employee Benefit

While the start of a New Year is a wonderful time for reflection and to set new health intentions, many abandon these health goals shortly after starting. Businesses in Jacksonville can help employees maintain their fitness and wellness goals all year long by setting them up for success in the break room. Whether your staff members are trying to eat better, drink more water, or work more steps into their day, you can set them up for success.

Here are five simple tips to help your employees achieve their healthy New Year’s resolutions all year long.

1. Offer Healthy Snacks in the Break Room

Employees who mindlessly snack on cookies and candy all day can easily pack on the pounds. If your Jacksonville business wants to promote corporate wellness in the workplace, offer healthy vending machines in your break room. Employees can now replace their empty-calorie snacks with healthier alternatives, including fresh fruits, granola, nuts, and low-calorie chips.

Not only will these healthy options help employees keep off the weight, but healthy foods can also boost productivity and fend off afternoon grogginess.

2. Have Water Freely Available

Dehydration can cause aggravation, headaches, and other health issues. Keep your staff happy, healthy, and hydrated by offering easily accessible healthy beverages in the office. Keep water coolers in the break room and throughout other parts of the workplace to encourage employees to drink more water.

Properly hydrated employees can enjoy more energy, decreased stress levels, and higher levels of concentration.

3. Motivate Your Staff to Step It Up

For the most part, everyone can keep track of their daily steps with their smartphones or step counters. Jacksonville businesses can motivate their employees to achieve the recommended 10,000 steps per day by offering fun competitions and challenges in the workplace.

Encourage employees to get moving by offering recognitions or rewards for the worker who racks up the most steps. You can hold daily, weekly, or monthly step-count challenges and allow staff members to participate by signing up.

Jacksonville and Health | Corporate Wellness | Promote Productivity

4. Provide Nutritional and Wellness Information

Many people have a tough time achieving their New Year’s health resolutions because they’re misinformed. Your company can help its employees stay healthy by educating them. Organize a wellness workplace seminar where health specialists can provide answers to all of your staff’s questions and concerns.

5. Make Healthy Food Conveniently Available

One issue that may dissuade employees from fulfilling their health goals is inconvenience. Help them stay on track by stocking your business’s break room with healthy vending machines and micro-market solutions. This way, workers don’t have to leave the office in order to enjoy delicious and nutritious snacks and meals.

Healthy Vending Machine Services in Jacksonville

If you’re seeking healthy break room services in the micro-markets of Jacksonville, look no further than the industry experts at The Vending Station. We can help you personalize a plan for your workplace wellness needs in order to keep employees healthy. To learn more about our vending services, contact us today by calling (407) 891.7632. We look forward to serving you.

Drinking Water in Orlando | Water Service | Beverage Vending Machine

Make a Splash with Water in the Orlando Workplace

Drinking Water in Orlando | Water Service | Beverage Vending Machine

Are you drinking the recommended eight glasses of water per day? Many of us can skimp on adequately hydrating ourselves, especially at work. Since we’re so busy meeting deadlines, we can often overlook the signs of dehydration, including headaches, rapid heart rate, and irritability. To stay happy and healthy, head over to the break room and sip on some refreshing drinks in Orlando.

Health Benefits of Drinking Water

Whether you’re enjoying conversation with coworkers at the water cooler, visiting the beverage vending machine in the break room, or sipping from a reusable water bottle, you can instantly promote productivity at work by consuming water. Other benefits of drinking water include:

Increased Energy Levels: Water helps the flow of vital nutrients to all of your body parts, including the brain. Staying hydrated helps you feel alert, refreshed, and productive.

Helps You Stick to Your Diet: Many of us can easily confuse hunger for thirst. Instead of snacking on chips and cookies, grab a healthy beverage option. Drinking water will help you feel full and decrease the desire for fatty foods.

Reduces Stress: Drinking water helps to keep your cortisol levels (a hormone that induces stress) down. If you’re dehydrated, you’re more likely to feel anxious and irritable at work.

A Natural Remedy for Headaches: Before reaching for aspirin, reach for a bottle of water. Drinking water can stop a migraine in its tracks. 

Improved Mood: Staying hydrated not only improves your health, it also boosts your mood. Dehydration can make you feel on-edge and annoyed. Drink water throughout the day to maintain your high spirits!

Orlando Office Break Room | Water Cooler | Water Beverages

How Businesses Can Help Employees Stay Hydrated

Make waves in the workplace by encouraging employees to drink more water. In Orlando, a workplace water service can help your staff stay healthy and focused.

Make water easily accessible with water coolers and beverage vending machines in the break room. Offering a variety of water options, including flavored and carbonated water, will make drinking H20 appealing to everyone. You can also create fun incentives to motivate employees to stay healthy. Consider gifting reusable water bottles to your workers during the holidays or having daily competitions on who can drink the most water. Provide cards to help track water consumption and offer small prizes to the winners.


Businesses in Orlando can help their employees benefit from staying properly hydrated. By stocking your vending machines with healthy water options, your staff can be happier, healthier, and more productive.

If you’re on the hunt for water service options in Orlando, look no further than The Vending Station. We are leaders in the vending industry and offer numerous break room beverage options at affordable prices. To learn more about how we can help you, call us at (407) 891.7632 today.