Orlando Office Coffee | Employee Benefit | Refreshment Services

Your Step-By-Step Guide to Building the Best Orlando Refreshment Services Program

Orlando Office Coffee | Employee Benefit | Refreshment Services

You do what you can for your employees. Offer a good salary, hearty benefits package, and flexible office hours to meet the needs of parents and caregivers. But, one of the most looked over employee perks are the Orlando refreshment services.

Investing in your Orlando break room will benefit both your company as well as your employees. Keep reading to learn how and why you should consider upgrading your services today.

Where To Begin

When considering upgrading your break room, contact The Vending Station to talk to our break room specialists. With our help, you can determine what refreshment services offer the best benefits. We offer micro-markets, vending machines, gourmet coffees and teas, office pantry services, and more!

With our help, your company can transform your Orlando break room into a place that:

  • Creates a community
  • Fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation
  • Encourages mental health breaks
  • Improves workplace satisfaction
  • Boosts office morale
  • Provides a space for employees to relax, unwind and recharge

With these improvements in your workplace culture, you will see a natural increase in employee satisfaction and overall happiness. These benefits lead to an increase in productivity. This means improving your Orlando refreshment services becomes a win-win for everybody.

Orlando Break Room Solutions | Refreshment Services | Coffee and Tea | Modern Vending Machine

Exploring Your Options

It is our goal to help you find the refreshment solutions that best fit your break room. With many options available we can find the perfect fit. We take your break room space, wants, and needs and match them into your customized Orlando break room service.

  • Vending Machines: With Orlando modern vending machines, your employees can choose from traditional snacks to healthy treats that just hit the market. You can even opt to provide sandwiches and other fresh food items through our services.
  • Micro-Market: Provide your employees with a large product variety with a Orlando micro-market. Our custom designed markets are open 24/7 for easy snacking access and equipped with glass front coolers and open shelving. This makes for a unique shopping experience completely tailored to your break room.
  • Office Coffee Service: From gourmet coffee to specialty teas, when you offer office coffee service, it puts a smile on your teams’ faces. What’s more, it gives your team something to look forward to every morning. Plus, it can recharge your employees during those mid-day slumps so they can power through the rest of the workday.
  • Office Pantry Service: Providing free snack and drinks to your employees is the ultimate employee perk. A Orlando pantry service will keep your employees happy and fuel throughout every workday. What’s more, your employees will no longer stress about having to go off-site for a bite to eat! This service will improve employee retention and overall workplace satisfaction.

Partner With Us To Customize Your Orlando Refreshment Services

When you partner with us, we listen to your needs and meet your expectations for your Orlando break room services. If your company wants to upgrade your break room today, look no further than The Vending Station. We can’t wait to hear from you. Call (407) 891.7632 today to learn more!

Orlando Grab-and-Go Snacks | Break Room | Healthy Vending | Workplace Culture

How Grab-and-Go Snacks Benefit Orlando Employees

Orlando Grab-and-Go Snacks | Break Room | Healthy Vending | Workplace Culture

When it comes to eating at work, it’s no longer all about the lunch break in Orlando, its about the snacks. Now, more than ever, people eat smaller amounts throughout the day instead of one big meal. As a result, grab-and-go snacks have grown in popularity over the last few years and continues to do so today.

Snacking Focuses on Health

One of the reasons snacking rules the break room relates to employees’ health. Research indicates eating multiple small meals instead of two or three large ones can improve health. It can also help with weight loss. With a focus on reducing obesity, employees opt for healthy snacks from their Orlando micro-market instead of fast food.

Employees Appreciate the Convenience of Grab-and-Go Snacks

Many employees replace traditional lunches with healthy snacks full of flavor. Because they can eat snacks on the go, it supports the busy lifestyle common among today’s employees.

Orlando vending machines and micro-markets support the grab-and-go culture by offering a variety of snack and food options for employees to purchase right in your break room. Many employees have a to-do list a mile long. Grab-and-go food makes it easy to eat between meetings or at their desks.

Eating Small Stops the Mid-Day Slump

If employees eat snacks instead of big lunches, they’re less likely to experience an afternoon slump. Healthy snacks reduce spikes in blood sugar and keep the mind focused. Employees feel less sluggish and finish out the day strong.

Grab-and-Go Snacks in Orlando | Micro-Market Service | Corporate Wellness

Healthy Grab-and-Go Snacks Boost Employee Experience

When companies create an inviting Orlando break room with well-stocked snack vending machines, employees and companies reap the benefits. Taking a cue from companies like Google and Facebook, businesses learn providing quality snacks boosts employee morale and happiness.

Office Pantry Service Shows Appreciation

Another benefit of workplace snacks involves appreciation. When provided a variety of healthy snacks through vending machines and micro-markets, Orlando employees feel appreciated. Employees know the company recognizes their hard work and effort. Snacking has shown to be an easy, effective, and relatively inexpensive way to say thank you.

Cater to Sophisticated Palates

Employees desire break room snacks beyond the old school vending machine choices of potato chips and honey buns. The modern employee wants healthy snacks without GMOs, high fructose corn syrup, and other additives. Employees also appreciate new and trendy flavors, as well as fresh snacks like fruit and vegetables.

Looking for Grab-and-Go Snacks in Orlando?

If you’re looking to upgrade your refreshment services in Orlando, The Vending Station can meet any need, big or small. We provide a range of break room solutions, including vending machines, micro-markets, office pantry services, and coffee service. When you’re ready to show your employees you care, do it with The Vending Station. Call (407) 891.7632 today to learn how healthy snacks can improve your employees’ workplace satisfaction.