Jacksonville Custom Vending | Orlando Office Breakfast | Productivity Enhancer

Top 5 Vending Breakfast Items for Jacksonville & Orlando Employees

Jacksonville Custom Vending | Orlando Office Breakfast | Productivity Enhancer

It’s true that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In fact, a morning meal boosts energy and productivity which keeps employees fueled and focused. However, according to Science Direct, almost half of workers skip breakfast. That can hurt productivity.

Businesses can help employees start their day on the right foot. How? Offer these five breakfast items in your Jacksonville and Orlando break room

1. Granola Bars 

Granola bars pack a lot of crunch. They’re also loaded with healthy goodness. For example, whole grain, nut, and dried fruit bars make a good breakfast. Employees can buy these snacks from the Jacksonville and Orlando vending machine. Plus, they can enjoy them in meetings or at their desks. Granola bars are the perfect grab-and-go breakfast. 

2. Enjoy a Pastry with Your Coffee 

A cup of coffee in the morning isn’t enough. Jacksonville and Orlando employees can add sweetness to their morning with a pastry or piece of coffee cake. The combination of food and caffeine can give them an instant energy boost. Thus, they are fueled to tackle their to-do list.

The Vending Station can stock your vending machines with coffee-complimenting pastries. This pairs well with gourmet Jacksonville and Orlando office coffee service. Or, we can help you host a pastry party with free goodies for staff. This promotes employee engagement, drawing staff in to connect over coffee. It’s an excellent way to kick off the workday! 

3. Fruit Juice Is a Healthy Breakfast Beverage 

Juice is always a great option in the morning. Many fruit juices are packed with healthy benefits. Regularly drinking fruit juice may reduce the risk of stroke and cancer. It also supports heart health.

Choose fruit juices with high doses of Vitamin C. This promotes healthy bones and tissue growth. Some tasty drinks to try are orange, cranberry, and apple juice.   

Jacksonville Micro-Market Service | Office Protein Options | Orlando Workplace Culture

4. Enjoy a Protein-Packed Breakfast 

Protein has been shown to support weight loss, curb hunger, and boost immunity. It also keeps you energized. Consume a protein bar for breakfast or other protein-packed options such as Greek yogurt, jerky, or a protein smoothie.

Want a mini-store onsite full of protein-rich products and more? That’s a Jacksonville and Orlando micro-market. We’ll work closely with you to understand your needs and staff’s preferences. Thus, we can make a personalized micro-market menu just for you. For instance, offer hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, oatmeal, or cereal. 

5. Chocolate and Nut Candies 

Want to satisfy your sweet tooth? If so, add some chocolate or nut candies to your breakfast. Sprinkle some on top of your yogurt. Or, add a few to your smoothie. They can offer a bit of healthy fat, protein, and antioxidants. Some tasty treats to enjoy with your coffee are Snickers and Peanut M&Ms. 

The Vending Station Helps Jacksonville and Orlando Employees Enjoy Better Breakfasts 

Ready to keep your team energized and focused? Give them access to healthy breakfast options! The Vending Station is here to help. We’ll set you up with a customized vending service or fresh food menu your employees will love.

Contact us today at (407) 891.7632 for more information.

Healthy Vending Jacksonville | Orlando Break Room Boosters | Fun Employee Summer Ideas

4 Ways to Add Summer Vibes to the Jacksonville & Orlando Break Room

Healthy Vending Jacksonville | Orlando Break Room Boosters | Fun Employee Summer Ideas

Energize your employees this summer by enhancing your Jacksonville and Orlando break room. Keeping employees focused and motivated during the summer months requires creativity. Here are four fun ways to engage your team.

1. Create a Summer Playlist

Bring summer vibes to your Jacksonville and Orlando break room with a fun music playlist. Spotify has lists you can suggest to staff. Or, ask your employees to submit their favorite summer songs. Then, create a playlist based on their favorites. From the Beach Boys’ “Surfin’ USA” to Pharrell Williams’ “Happy,” there are summer tunes for every taste.

2. Free Food Fridays

Lift spirits with free food every Friday. Offering complimentary snacks shows your employees you appreciate their hard work.

There are several options for offering free food. Put your Jacksonville and Orlando vending machines on free vend so that employees can pick out their favorite snacks and drinks. Or, we can help you order snacks and drinks in bulk. You can also offer a range of refreshments ranging from healthy options to favorite treats.

Consider creating a summer refreshment theme each Friday. Try tropical fruits one week and snack on nachos and dips the next. How about an ice cream social on a hot Friday afternoon? Fruity candies are another great option your team will love.

3. Offer Iced Coffee and Iced Tea

Jacksonville Micro Market | Grab and Go Summer Snacks | Orlando Employee Benefits

Dial down the summer temperatures with iced drinks. A selection of iced coffees and iced teas will keep your team alert and cool. We can help you find the best solution for your break room. Install an iced tea or cold brew machine in your break room.

We can include cold brew as a part of your Jacksonville and Orlando office coffee service. That way, employees can quench their thirst with their favorite cold coffee drink.

Alternatively, add bottled iced tea and cold brew coffee to your Jacksonville and Orlando micro market or beverage vending machine. Simply request the drinks you want, and we’ll stock them.

4. Summer Activities for Good Health

Who is up for a game of beach volleyball? Focus on health and well-being with a range of activities. From sports to yoga sessions, the sky is the limit. Or, host a meditation session employees can attend. When you organize these activities, your Jacksonville and Orlando employees feel supported in their wellness goals. When employees feel good, everyone benefits. Plus, these activities can promote positive working relationships.

Enhance Your Break Room this Summer with The Vending Station

We are here to help you keep your employees motivated and engaged all summer. Adding summer-themed snacks and drinks to your Jacksonville and Orlando break room is simple with our refreshment solutions. We take care of your break room using modern services that exceed expectations.

Contact The Vending Station today at (407) 891.7632 to learn more about our Jacksonville and Orlando vending services, micro markets, and office coffee service. We will keep you cool and motivated through this warm season.

Jacksonville Healthy Snacks | Subsidized Break Room | Orlando Employee Perk

Use Subsidized Break Room Options to Welcome Back Jacksonville & Orlando Employees

Jacksonville Healthy Snacks | Subsidized Break Room | Orlando Employee Perk

Are you ready to welcome your team back to the office? Entice your Jacksonville and Orlando employees with a subsidized break room benefit.

Adding an employee perk to your break room can help create a feeling of teamwork. Plus, when employees gather to chat over a snack or cup of coffee, they improve communication. That can lead to more collaboration overall.

Are you ready to boost collaboration and innovation in your workplace? Free or subsidized break room solutions can help draw people together. Discover the best-subsidized break room services below:

A Jacksonville and Orlando Office Pantry is a Fully Subsidized Break Room Service

Treat your team to free refreshments with an office pantry service. This service provides a full subsidy. Your employees don’t pay a cent!

Our Jacksonville and Orlando office pantry service is simple. You give us a budget, and we take care of the snacks. We can even create a tailored menu. Include popular snacks alongside healthy options. Each month, we’ll provide an invoice for what your employees consume.

A Subsidized Jacksonville and Orlando Micro-Market Offers Variety

Picture your break room transformed into an open cafe. Glass front coolers line the walls and open shelves hold snacks. Micro-markets offer hundreds more options than your average Jacksonville and Orlando vending service. From fresh foods to beverages and tasty treats, a micro-market has it all.

We offer subsidized micro-markets in which your company pays for a portion of the cost of products to reduce the price. Or, you can add money to each employee’s micro-market account so that they can choose items for free. Another option is to cover certain product categories. For example, cover the cost of Jacksonville and Orlando healthy options to support employee wellness.

Try Subsidized Vending

There’s a reason Jacksonville and Orlando vending machines are a classic. They’re compact, attractive, and easy to use. With subsidized vending, your company partially or completely covers the cost of vending items. Either lower the cost or make products free for employees.

Subsidized break room snacks are an employee benefit your team will love! We manage everything. Our vending machines feature wireless monitoring so we can restock items promptly.

Jacksonville Subsidized Micro-Market | Orlando Vending Technology | Alternative Office Snacks

Upgrade Your Jacksonville and Orlando Office Coffee Service

Don’t forget about coffee. Coffee and tea are office essentials. Offer free coffee in your break room with our office coffee service.

We offer a range of options. Traditional office coffee brewers serve coffee by the pot. That makes it easy to serve a crowd. With this type of brewer, coffee is always ready and always tasty.

For something fancier, try a single-cup coffee machine. This option makes fresh coffee, one cup at a time. That means no more stale coffee. Plus, employees can make specialty drinks.

We also offer a range of tasty hot teas. Offer a variety of options for every taste. From black tea to herbal tea to green tea, we have you covered.

The Vending Station is Your Partner in Subsidized Break Room Service

Offer your team a benefit they’ll love with our subsidized break room services. With our custom solutions, we can create a subsidized break room that fits your budget and needs. Get in touch with The Vending Station at (407) 891.7632 to get started! We look forward to talking to you soon.

Better Spring Break Room Orlando | Jacksonville Vending Services | Office Coffee Service

Spring Clean Your Jacksonville and Orlando Break Room Services

Better Spring Break Room Orlando | Jacksonville Vending Services | Office Coffee Service

Spring is here, and it’s time to spruce up your Jacksonville and Orlando break room for a more enjoyable workspace. So, let’s chat about a few simple ways to do some spring cleaning and make your break room even better.

Make Sure It’s Put to Use This Spring

First things first, let’s check if folks are actually using the break room. If it seems dark and unwelcoming or the vending machines are often empty, that needs fixing. At The Vending Station, we use smart systems to keep your Jacksonville and Orlando vending machines filled with tasty snacks and tantalizing drinks, ensuring your team stays happy and fueled. No empty vending machines or forgotten snack areas.

Coffee Done Right

Did you know that 74% of Americans love their coffee? If your break room doesn’t have a good coffee setup, people might go elsewhere for their caffeine fix. Put a spring in your staff’s steps with regular Jacksonville and Orlando office coffee service or single-cup coffee options.

Create a Friendly Atmosphere

A break room should be more than just a place to grab a snack. It should be comfy and set up for chats. Here’s an idea: Add some plants this spring and cozy furniture to make it inviting. This will help draw employees to the space for their breaks. After all, taking short breaks is good for productivity, and a nice break room makes it a pleasant experience.

Orlando Micro-Market | Jacksonville Healthy Vending | Filtered Water for the Spring Office

Healthy Snack Options for Spring

Nowadays, everyone wants healthier snacks. We know that! And our break room services can help. We’ll set up a Jacksonville and Orlando micro-market with fresh food and snacks that are better for you. Your team will thank you for the tasty and nutritious options. It will help them stay well as the seasons change.

Better Water, Better Breaks

Clean and good-tasting water is essential, and our water filtration service delivers just that. Staying hydrated is great for health, and it helps employees stay energized and focused. Not to mention it makes their office coffee and tea taste even better. Plus, filtered water encourages using reusable cups and bottles. This will help your team reduce plastic waste. Who doesn’t want that?

In a nutshell, a good break room is vital for a happy Jacksonville and Orlando workplace. With The Vending Station’s help, your break room can be a spot that not only meets your team’s needs but also adds a positive vibe to the office. So, let’s give your break room a little spring makeover and see how it boosts everyone’s mood and energy at work!

Ready to learn more? Contact The Vending Station today at (407) 891.7632 to get started!

Orlando Vending Machines | Micro-Markets & Coffee Service | Employee Trust

4 Ways to Gain Employee Trust Through the Orlando Break Room

Orlando Vending Machines | Micro-Markets & Coffee Service | Employee Trust

Creating a positive workplace is one of the best ways to recruit and retain. Part of that journey is gaining employee trust. When your team trusts you as an employer, they are more likely to recommend your company to others. Want another benefit of trust? Fortune magazine reported that productive companies show excellent trust between employees and management.

Fortunately, building trust isn’t complicated. You can even build trust in your Orlando break room! Here’s how:

1. Boost Trust with Employee Perks in Your Orlando Break Room

Employees love perks in the break room. An office coffee service can give employees access to tasty gourmet coffee. Or, you can offer employees the convenience of Orlando vending machines. There, employees can find snacks and refreshing beverages.

Adding employee perks in the break room can help increase trust. Through these perks, you encourage positive workplace relationships. Friendly relationships between employees at all levels can boost trust.

With The Vending Station as your partner in break room services, you can offer your team the best. We are experts in Orlando break room solutions.

2. Be Inclusive in the Break Room

Meet the needs of your many unique employees by ensuring there is product variety in your break room. When you include a lot of products, you show your employees you care about them as individuals. Meet your team’s dietary needs with gluten-free products, low-fat items, and other healthy choices. Also, include foods from around the world. That way, employees from all backgrounds can find comforting foods.

One of the best ways to do this is with an Orlando micro-market. This break room solution provides more options than a vending machine. That means more room for different products various employees across your building would enjoy.

Orlando Office Pantry Service | Break Room Solutions | Company Trust

3. Embrace Innovation

Boost trust among employees by showing you’re prepared for the future. Using new technologies can help you stay on-trend. Try the latest Orlando office coffee machines like bean-to-cup brewers.

Another place to embrace innovation is in your micro-market. This break room solution has a modern self-serve kiosk. When idle, you can add messages to the kiosk screen! For example, you can post branding or promote your company culture.

4. Increase Trust by Showing Appreciation

You can also build trust by showing employees you appreciate their hard work. This improves your overall relationship and boosts company morale.

Free items show employees you care. Plus, it attracts new hires. Upgrade your office coffee service or use an Orlando office pantry service. These services bring free snacks and beverages to the workplace.

If that’s not right for you, consider offering subsidized days in the micro-market. Or, deposit money into the break room mobile app for special occasions. That way, employees can buy snacks and drinks for free.

Increase Trust with the Help of The Vending Station

At The Vending Station, we’re here to support you! As a leader in Orlando break room services, we can help you achieve your goals. Let us know what you have in mind. Our years of experience can help you create a workplace that fosters trust.

Contact The Vending Station at (407) 891.7632 to get started! We look forward to serving you.

Jacksonville Coffee Service | Break Room Coffee | Hot Tea Service Spices

5 Spices That Will Add a Kick to Your Jacksonville Office Coffee Service

Jacksonville Coffee Service | Break Room Coffee | Hot Tea Service Spices

Spices can add some pizazz to your Jacksonville office coffee service. Why? While coffee tastes great on its own, spices boost the flavor. They can also improve the aroma. Thus, spices add the extra zing you’re looking for. Best of all, some herbs support employee wellness.

Want to spice things up? Offer these five spices in your Jacksonville break room.

1. Cinnamon Adds a Touch of Sweetness

Cinnamon is the perfect spice for employees with a sweet tooth. It can also boost your energy. This helps employees power through their workdays. Plus, cinnamon is great for your skin. It also promotes heart health.

Dip cinnamon sticks in your coffee. Or, sprinkle it on top. This spice is also a popular hot tea option.

2. Nutmeg May Help You Sleep Better

Want something milder than cinnamon? If so, try nutmeg! It adds a warm, nutty flavor to your coffee. Additionally, nutmeg is also a potent anti-inflammatory. Thus, it can relieve pain. Consuming nutmeg might also improve your sleep. Therefore, employees will feel well-rested when arriving at work. Lastly, nutmeg is helpful for digestive health and blood pressure levels.

Sprinkle some nutmeg over your coffee to enjoy its many health benefits.

3. Cloves May Help Fight Cancer

Some employees want their coffee to pack a punch. Offer these strong flavor lovers ground cloves. This spice has a bold taste. Thus, you should use it sparingly. However, cloves are natural painkillers. This spice may help relieve chronic conditions like arthritis. It also works on toothaches. Cloves may also reduce your risk of cancer.

Add a touch of cloves to your ground coffee before brewing it. Or, add a pinch on top.

Jacksonville Vending Machines | Snack Food | Office Food Spices

4. Add Smoothness with Vanilla

Vanilla is a popular snack ingredient in your Jacksonville vending machine. But did you know you can also add it to coffee? Yep! Add a few drops of vanilla extract to your cup. Or, add a dusting of vanilla bean powder. The smooth and creamy flavors are sure to please.

Furthermore, vanilla has many health benefits. For starters, it’s an excellent antioxidant. Vanilla also has anti-inflammatory properties. Lastly, vanilla may benefit your brain.

5. Cayenne Pepper Spices Things Up

Like coffee with some kick? If so, add a pinch of cayenne pepper. It works best for dark, spicy roasts. It’s also great for chocolatey coffee drinks. Cayenne pepper is considered by many to be healthy. It can improve circulation. This spice may also reduce hunger. Thus, employees will feel fuller between meals.

Add These 5 Spices to Your Office Coffee Service

Jazz up your office coffee service with these five spices. Or, call The Vending Station today. We’ll help you improve your coffee bar. Ask us about our state-of-the-art coffee brewers. We also offer plenty of coffee products and creamers. Use them to offer festive seasonal flavors during the holidays!

Contact The Vending Station at (407) 891.7632 or service@thevendingstation.com to learn more. We offer quality office coffee, Jacksonville vending, and micro-market solutions. Our team looks forward to servicing you!

Jacksonville Break Room Services | Office Snacks | Healthy Vending

How Jacksonville Break Room Services Bring Employees Together

Jacksonville Break Room Services | Office Snacks | Healthy Vending

Holidays are the perfect time to consider your Jacksonville break room services. Do they offer the refreshment options your staff want? Are they bringing your employees together? Because the right break room services can spread holiday cheer around the office and improve employee relationships. This helps coworkers work better together and boosts morale, even loyalty.

Need some help? The Vending Station is happy to lend a hand! Here’s why our break room services bring employees together.

Micro-Markets Transform Break Time

Lunchtime is a chance for coworkers to bond. And Jacksonville micro-markets maximize that time because employees can buy everything they want on-site. There is no more waiting in lines at restaurants or searching for meal options. Micro-markets have loads of choices, more than a Jacksonville vending machine. For instance, employees can get fresh salads, yogurt, and fruit. They can also buy refreshing beverages, including healthy vitamin waters and revitalizing energy drinks.

A micro-market being on-site lets employees skip drives and long checkout lines. Therefore, they save time and can mix and mingle with coworkers more. This lets employees bond. Plus, healthy food makes them feel more refreshed and energized.

The Perfect Break Time Brewer Creates Café Vibes

Coffee houses are where connections happen. You can enjoy delicious sips and good conversation. Bring café vibes into your break room with a bean-to-cup brewer. They grind whole beans. Thus, they produce the sounds and smells of coffee shops.

Additionally, bean-to-cup brewers make coffee, lattes, and cappuccinos. Order and customize your drink right from the touchscreen, which ensures making coffee is a breeze! It also tempts your team into the break room. They’ll love the rich aromas and flavors. Thus, they’ll have more opportunities to connect.

Jacksonville Micro-Market | Office Coffee Break | Pantry Service

Office Pantry Celebrates Employees

Togetherness is about celebrating. What’s a great way to celebrate your staff? A Jacksonville office pantry service. It lets employees enjoy free food and drinks. For example, you might offer packaged snacks in your break room or a flavored water dispenser. Employees can help themselves whenever they’re hungry or thirsty. This shows you care and provides a sense of community. Employees are also more likely to use the break room. Thus creating a communal break space that brings people together.

Benefits of Break Time Bonding

Good employee relationships have many benefits. These include:

  • Increased loyalty
  • Better communication
  • Improved productivity
  • More staff satisfaction
  • Higher retention rates

Get the best from your staff with break room solutions that bring people together. The Vending Station has the know-how to make that happen. We’ll help you find the best solutions, from micro-markets to improved Jacksonville office coffee service.

Contact The Vending Station today at (407) 891.7632 to learn more. We’re excited to hear from you!

Jacksonville Candy Trends | Break Room Snacks | Vending Machines

4 Top Jacksonville Candy Trends for 2023

Jacksonville Candy Trends | Break Room Snacks | Vending Machines

America’s candy tastes are constantly changing. As such, you should keep your Jacksonville break room snacks fresh with trendy treats that excite employees. They’ll never know what to expect! Plus, they can try new flavors, which means they will never be bored.

What candies should you offer staff in your office? Keep reading to learn the top four trend picks for 2023.

1. Sour Candy Flavors

Tart treats are always popular. They make taste buds sing! Additionally, sour candy comes in fun flavors and colors. This brightens up your break room. Examples include Skittles or Sour Patch Kids stocked in your Jacksonville vending machine. Thus, employees can always help themselves.

Did you know that sour candies may have some health perks? Yep! They help you absorb calcium. Sour candies can also improve your mood, which will boost employee morale.

2. Chocolate is a Classic Choice

Chocolate never goes out of style. Employees love the melt-in-your-mouth flavors and there are plenty of chocolates to choose from. Try pure milk chocolate, like a Hershey’s bar. Or try some creamy or crumbly peanut butter in a chocolate coating. Did you know that Snickers is one of the most popular vending snacks?

You can also nibble on dark chocolate. This pairs perfectly with your Jacksonville office coffee service. Dark chocolate makes coffee taste richer. It also adds creaminess to every sip. Enjoy a dark chocolate Kit Kat with a latte, you can make this the bean-to-cup brewer.

Furthermore, dark chocolate can be healthy. It’s packed with minerals. Plus, dark chocolate has powerful antioxidants. Thus, it’s a feel-good food!

3. Fun, Nostalgic Candy

Jacksonville Micro-Market | Healthy Candy | Office Coffee

Bring some whimsy into your break room. How? Provide nostalgic candy. For instance, offer Skittles or Starbursts. Nerds are also a fun choice. Jacksonville employees will feel like kids again! They’ll love the pop of color, the throw-back wrappers, and the memories.

Looking for something specific? Call The Vending Station today. We’ll help you find the perfect products. We have a wide selection of trendy candies to match a wide taste profile.

4. Gummy or Fruit Snacks

Lastly, gummy snacks are a must-have in today’s break room. These come in fruity flavors, one thing your employees no doubt love about them. Additionally, many fruit snacks are fat-free and low in sodium. Thus, they’re a better-for-you option.

We can stock all types of fruity snacks in your Jacksonville micro-market. They make the perfect lunchtime dessert. Employees can grab salads or sandwiches. Then, they can eat their gummies!

Sweeten Up Your Break Room with Candy

Add some sweetness to your break room. The Vending Station carries plenty of candies. We have items from chocolate to sour gummies. Our team will help you get the perfect goodies in your Jacksonville break room. We always personalize our product offerings.

Contact us today to learn more. Call (407) 891.7632. We look forward to hearing from you!

Orlando Break Room Services | Hangry | Micro-Markets

Break Solutions Keep Orlando Employees Happy, Not Hangry

Orlando Break Room Services | Hangry | Micro-Markets

Hangry employees rarely perform at their best. Some might choose to work through lunch. But while this seems productive, it’s hardly the case. Food is your body’s fuel. Without it, you’ll run out of gas. As a result, your blood sugar can drop. You’ll also feel groggy. Thus, your productivity can decrease.

Hangry employees feel both angry and hungry. This can lead to problems with coworkers and even lower morale. Therefore, it’s important to offer better Orlando break room services for when staff are in a time crunch. That can include a tasty mix of food and beverage options as well as a place to enjoy them. Keep reading to learn more about how to beat hangry in your office.

Overcome Hangry with Endless Options

Employees can get bored with the same old snacks. Therefore, offer more options. The Vending Station can help. We’ll fill your Orlando vending machine with different products. For example, we carry lots of healthy items. Choose nuts, granola bars, baked chips, or jerky. This helps you beat mid-day slumps!

Additionally, vending machines are open 24/7. Employees can always buy their favorite foods. This keeps them full between meals. Our machines accept cash and credit cards. Thus, it’s easy to make purchases.

Consider a Micro-Market

Want even more variety? Try Orlando micro-market services. These are tiny, unmanned stores where employees can shop 24/7. Simply pay at the self-checkout kiosk. Employees can also skip long lunch-rush lines. Therefore, they’ll have more time to relax and eat. This encourages them to take lunch breaks.

Micro-markets offer endless options. For instance, buy fresh food, snacks, protein, or dairy products. There’s something for everyone! Get a sandwich and soup. Or, stock up on healthy snacks. You can also buy beverages. This promotes hydration.

Is It Hangry or Dehydration?

Orlando Company Culture | Hangry | Office Coffee

Sometimes, hangry isn’t the culprit of irritable employees. It could be dehydration. This lowers amino acid levels in your brain. Thus, you can feel grumpy. Dehydration also causes dizziness and tiredness. As a result, employees won’t be able to perform at their best.

Help your team stay hydrated. Add an Orlando office coffee service to your break room. This quickly perks workers up! Try a bean-to-cup brewer. Users can make coffee, lattes, or cappuccinos. Yum!

Another good option is an Orlando water filtration service. Remove yucky chemical tastes. Water always tastes fresh. Refill your water bottle and keep it on your desk. This reminds you to drink more water.

The filtration systems we place in your break room have hot and cold spigots. Therefore, you can add fresh water to hot beverages too. This makes coffee and tea taste great!

The Vending Station Helps Employees Defeat Hangry

Our break room solutions keep employees feeling full. They’ll have tons of on-site options. Plus, they can buy healthy food 24/7. This helps them beat hangry. The Vending Station will also keep them hydrated. We make water taste better!

Contact The Vending Station today by calling (407) 891.7632 to learn more. We’ll help you find the right products for your needs. We’re excited to hear from you soon!

Orlando Vending Service | Break Room Solutions | Micro-Market Basics

Breaking Down Orlando Break Room Service Basics

Orlando Vending Service | Break Room Solutions | Micro-Market Basics

Let’s go back to the service basics. Why? Because finding the right Orlando break room services can be tricky. But in this blog, you can learn all about quality break room services and how they can benefit your business.

Vending Machines

Orlando vending machines provide snacks and beverages 24/7. Users pick their products and pay by cash or card, so it’s easy for employees to make a purchase. Some vending machines also accept mobile payments.

Vending machines are great for busy workers. They can easily buy brand-name soda, chips, or candy on-site to fight off thirst and hunger. Thus, your employees will be more productive.

Micro-Market Service Basics

Think of a micro-market as a tiny store. Orlando micro-markets are unmanned retail spaces. Employees can buy fresh foods, snacks, or drinks. There are sandwiches and soups in the coolers and dry goods stocked in the racks.

You can quickly pay at the self-checkout kiosk. Therefore, you won’t have to wait in long lines. Employees can buy healthy foods anytime they wish, no matter what shift they work. For instance, get salads, wraps, or veggies. Having access to these options boosts workplace wellness.

Office Coffee Services

Office coffee service means delivering coffee and other hot drink essentials to your Orlando business, along with a coffee brewer. There are three types to choose from. These include:

Orlando Office Pantry | Water Filtration Basics | Office Coffee Service

Traditional coffee service:

These brewers make coffee by the pot. There’s always enough coffee to go around!

Single-cup service:

Don’t like pots? Try pods! Single-cup brewers make coffee by the pod. Users can pick their favorite flavor and make the coffee fresh for each cup.

Bean-to-cup coffee:

Love the sounds and smells of a café? If so, get a bean-to-cup brewer. They grind whole beans. You can make lattes, espressos, or coffee. Want something creamy? Brew a cappuccino!

The Vending Station also offers trendy teas. Want yummy toppers? Ask about creamers and sweeteners.

Office Pantry Services

Want to boost employee satisfaction? Consider Orlando office pantry services where employees can get free break room goodies. This makes them feel more appreciated. Thus, they’ll stay loyal. This increases retention.

We’ll find the perfect products for your office pantry and track your inventory. That way your pantry stays stocked. All you need to do is pay the invoice.

Water Filtration Service Basics

Hydration is essential. When properly hydrated, employees feel energized and happy. Plus, drinking water helps you stay productive. Add an Orlando water filtration service to your office. It removes dissolved chemicals. Thus, water tastes better.

Short on space? The Vending Station offers countertop systems. We also have floor-standing units. Any sized office can get fresh-tasting water! It’s also eco-friendly. That’s because you can use refillable bottles.

Quality Break Room Service Basics

There are many quality break room solutions. Want delicious water? Looking for healthy foods? The Vending Station has you covered! We take the time to understand your needs. This way, our experts can help find the best solutions for your office.

Please feel free to call us today at (407) 891.7632 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!